Monday, February 23, 2009

To Be Continued...

I am amazed at the responses I received from my blog about Hopegivers. I still have no clue how you both found me, but praise God, as you have been an encouragement. To the anonymous care giver of M.A. Thomas, my apologies for my mistake (and possibly a few others) about the facts of the situation. I guess in my haste to write my feelings about the message, I twisted a few of the facts, but thank you for clearing that up. My prayers will be with Dr. Thomas, his family, and everyone surrounding them during this time. 

Drew and I have been actively tithing to the Church and making it a steady part of our budget, and I have seen God work through that, by providing us all our necessities. When Drew left for field training last week, we had barely anything to eat, and no more budgeted for groceries. Drew told me I could take some money out of the "Army supplies/gear" envelope and use it for food. That has been four nights ago, and I have yet to go the the store or spend one penny on food, because each night I have been able to find random items to throw together and make pretty good meals for myself. I know Drew will come home and see the barren kitchen, and think that I've been starving myself all week. I have never been one to be able to make a meal out of scraps, but God has given me this newfound ability to cook! Finally! Praise Jesus!

Eeek Drew just walked in the door!!!! He's back three days early. Signing off, for now =)


sandy said...

You are a preceious child of God and in some ways I envy the fact that you are at the beginning of your journey with God. Then I think back on the years that I have walked with God and they are so sweet that I wouldn't want to go back. Even though I made mistakes along the way, it was in those mistakes that I was able to understand how much God loved me and grow. I remember a time when I was in much the same situation as you described just now, only there was a blue jean skirt that I wanted so badly. I was young (both spiritually and physically) and I knew that I didn't have the money, but I wanted it so badly. Then I went to the mall and low and behold the skirt was on clearance, only $7. I planned to figure out how I could go back and get that skirt. Then that night at church we had some guest singers and I felt moved to give a love offering to help them in their desire to go overseas to spread the gospel. I let go of the cash knowing that as I put it in the offering plate, there went my desired blue jean skirt. The next week, I received a check in the mail from some stock that had been purchased years earlier by my grand mother for me. I had long since sold it, but their was a fraction of a share that somehow had remained and they wanted to close out their records and so they sent me a check for the "fraction!" You guessed it, it was for the exact amount that I need for the skirt, tax included! Trusting God is an everyday experience and one that never lets you down!

Sandy Ellingson

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