Saturday, February 28, 2009

Columbus Weather Report = Crazy.

The weather here is insane. It continually poured rain throughout the night, and was still coming down when I went to bed at 1 am. Brody woke me up crying this morning at 7, and the rain was heavier than I have ever seen before. Lightning flashes lit up the room every few minutes, and the thunder that followed shook the apartment. I was able to calm Brody down enough to go back to sleep, but at 9 am we woke up to the city-wide sirens going off. I then got a text from Amanda, making sure we were okay, because there was a high tornado warning for our county. I turned on the news and sure enough, us and all the surrounding counties had been on Tornado and Severe Weather alerts since early this morning. Nearby in Salem, AL, a tornado actually touched down and destroyed a few buildings. There was also heavy traffic due to overturned vehicles caused by the heavy winds. 
I knew Brody needed to go out to go potty, so during the time I was contemplating HOW to accomplish that, he peed in the living room. As I was cleaning it up, he went into the kitchen and pooped. His nerves must have really gotten to him. Over the next half hour, every time there was thunder he would poop right where he was. He is SUCH a wimp. I really, really hope he grows out of this nervous stage. I finally put him in his kennel with a bunch of towels and a bone to keep him occupied, which helped. Finally, the storm started dying down and I took him outside to go potty again, and he threw up on the grass. He still has not been interested in eating at all today, and is extremely lethargic. I think it is just extreme nervousness, and he should start feeling better tonight. At least I hope so, or I'm going to have to find money for a vet bill and antibiotics on Monday. 

The storm has now blown over and it is bright and sunny outside. Its 80 degrees with 70% humidity. The forecast for tonight shows a chance of showers. I pray that is all it will be, and no thunder, for Brody's sake. Tomorrow the predicted high is only 41 degrees with chance of SNOW! Well, as they say... "If you don't like the weather in Georgia, wait until tomorrow."

To anyone who reads this: PLEASE keep Drew in your prayers! He has been fighting off a cold for the past two weeks, and he is outside in this horrible weather. I kept thinking the whole time during the storm about what the guys out in the field were going through. I can't believe they have to stay out there in this. That really rubs me the wrong way and I'll be ticked if he comes home with pneumonia. 

Thats my weather update for today, I'll check back here later. Have a good day!!


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