Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Forever Love

Hi Blog,

Remember me? The one who promises herself she will start posting regularly every time she writes… and yet its been over a year since her last entry? The girl who once had all the time in the world and now can’t seem to find five minutes to sit down. The army wife who was living in Fort Benning with her husband, and is now living in California while her husband is in Iraq. The dog mom who used this blog to brag, rant, show off, etc her furry child? Oh yeah.. the dog mom who is not just a dog mom now… but a human mom. Really?

Really. To wrap up the last year, I decided in August that I would be staying in Georgia/Alabama while Drew was deployed for a year. We found an adorable house, signed a 12 month lease, then one week before he deployed… found out I was pregnant. Surprise! He left for Iraq in October, and in November my dad came to rescue me and moved me back to California [again], and I moved in with my parents where I am currently still living. We are all nice and cozy in this house: Dad, Mom, brother Chad, dogs Brody and Dakota, cat Belle, and oh yes… my cute little sidekick, Emersyn Marie, born May 29, 2010.

And suddenly the focus of this blog changes… from canine child to human child. Don’t tell Brody, but as much as I loved writing about him, my heart flutters a whole lot more for this adorable little bundle who currently is sleeping in her bouncer at my feet, swaddled in pink, bouncing away and content as can be.
We call her Emmy, or Em, or M&M, or Spider Monkey due to her long, skinny frame and long arms, fingers and toes. Most say she looks like Drew, but in my defense, she looks just like my baby pictures. She has a full head of long, dark hair, the most perfect little button nose, and if you push that button it triggers a big, gummy grin and a little dimple appears on her right cheek. Her lips are full and delicately shaped, “Supermodel lips” as an admiring stranger said. Her eyes are dark, sure to be brown, and her eyebrows are the root of thousands of expressions, from a demeaning scowl to inquiring gaze to elated smile.

Think you have her pictured?
I’ll help you894533967_f38MB-L894574538_E9EA7-L

I saw a quote online that said, “A surprise is something you didn’t know you wanted until you got it.” I thought it was sweet, but now its truth makes me melt. It will never cease to amaze me how something I was so unprepared for can turn into my whole world. She has only been in my life for seven weeks, and yet I can’t, or rather, don’t want to, recall how it was before her.

To wrap up this uncharacteristically sappy blog entry, the past seven weeks have been the hardest, yet easiest of my life. The longest, yet shortest. I have dived head first into motherhood: a world of the unknown and downright scary, and yet it comes natural. Even though its cliché, everything about this new life is truly a God given miracle. This love for my daughter has brought even greater love for the One who made her. I will be forever thankful, forever in awe, forever in love. Thank you, Lord. Thank you.

"Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world." John 16:21
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